Dev Guide
Colors and Shadows
SCSS Variable Name: $color-red $primary
Descriptive Name: Red
Hex Code: #c40d3c
SCSS Variable Name: $color-dark-blue
Descriptive Name: Dark Blue
Hex Code: #334474
SCSS Variable Name: $color-dark-grey
Descriptive Name: Dark Grey
Hex Code: #1f2324
SCSS Variable Name: $color-white
Descriptive Name: White
Hex Code: #ffffff
SCSS Variable Name: $color-dark-red
Descriptive Name: Dark Red
Hex Code: #831319
SCSS Variable Name: $color-blue
Descriptive Name: Blue
Hex Code: #425489
SCSS Variable Name: $color-grey
Descriptive Name: Grey
Hex Code: #2e3233
SCSS Variable Name: $color-extra-light-blue
Descriptive Name: Extra Light Blue
Hex Code: #eff1fb
SCSS Variable Name: $color-light-grey
Descriptive Name: Light Grey
Hex Code: #454545
SCSS Variable Name: $color-default-grey
Descriptive Name: Default Grey
Hex Code: #efefef
SCSS Variable Name: $color-extra-light-grey
Descriptive Name: Extra Light Grey
Hex Code: #f3f3f3
Header 1 - Lato Black
class: .headline__extra-large
Font Size: 42px
Line Height: 50px
Header 2 - Lato Bold Italic
class: .headline__large
Font Size: 30px
Line Height: 38px
Header 3 - Lato Bold
class: .headline__medium
Font Size: 28px
Line Height: 38px
Header 4 - Lato Regular
class: .headline__small
Font Size: 24px
Line Height: 33px
Header 5 - Lato Black
class: .headline__extra-small
Font Size: 18px
Line Height: 24px
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This is body copy using Lato Regular at 18px, with a 26px line-height. If the button needs to be centered add "text-block--button-center" to the identifier.
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Awards and Designations Cooper University Health Care is recognized by many independent, national organizations for our standards of quality, excellence and safety..
Benefits We offer a wide range of benefits to ensure that our staff have everything they need to succeed both at work and at home.
Cooper in the Community We take our role in the community very seriously. With a mission to serve, to heal and to educate, the Cooper Community Health Outreach Team provides several health education programs, presentations and consultations.